Route (trail) map

Route options
Harjureitti -route consists of several different trails, you’ll find Route Brochures of three of them drawn up and placed on the Outdoors Satakunta web site:
Sideridge and Spring Nature trail
Starting point of the sheltered place called Kantolaavu
at Säkyläntie 717, Oripää

Kantolaavu -shelter is located by the fork road of the Toimintaloma (Action Break) alongside of the Loimaa-Säkylä road. Kantolaavu -shelter is a great lean-to built in autumn 2010 with ample seating and table space as well as good place for a fire equipment.
Vampula Outdoor Hut
at the Harjuntie 407, Säkylä

An Outdoor hut maintained by the Association of Vampula Athletes. Driving to the hut via main road 41 from the fork road of Harjunkylä or through the highway 213 from the fork Juvankoski.
Hut of Erä-Veikot (‘Desert Buddies’) of Virttaa
Säkyläntie 215, 32560 Virttaa

Hunter’s lodge of Erä-Veikot of Virttaa. Approach chart.
Starting point by the Säkylä Road
from Säkyläntie 161, Loimaa

Starting point by Toimintaloma
from “The old road’s” road parking, Toimintalomantie 2, Oripää.

The distance to Säkylä is 15 kilometers and coming from the direction of Virttaa by entering the main road 41 it is 7.2 kilometers.
The Starting Point of Isosuo
At Virttaantie 980, Säkylä is situated 1.5 km from Toimintaloma (Action Break) in the direction of Säkylä.
Parking is located by the side of Säkylä-Loimaa road 213. During the winter, the parking area is managed only after the frost of Isosuo which enables ski runs right across the swamp.