The dipper is a temporary winter resident at Myllylähde, enjoying the waters of the spring until they freeze over. Thereafter, several birds move to the Pyhäjoki’s upper course to winter.
The dipper is the only Finnish sparrow that looks for food solely from below the surface of water. Its black and white feather suit is waterproof and a powerful thermal insulation. During the nesting season, the dipper prefers rocky rapids, mountain streams and brooks, but during winter it can be found in almost all types of open water. If the area is large, several will winter in the area.

Dippers use their vision to find food. Because of this, it does not enjoy murky water. The white breast acts as a reflective mirror when dippers look for nutrition from amongst the dark stones. They eat insect larvae, worms, seafood and sometimes even small fish. It is able to walk on underwater surfaces by pressing its chest into the water, where the flow will keep it balanced. Another distinctive feature is that the dipper uses oils that are secreted from a gland beneath their tails and when they preen it is spread over their feathers to keep them waterproof and warm.