Harjureitti is a 28 km long nature trail that was established in 1998 and acquired official status in 2016 when it was marked on Finland’s national land register.

“Pikkulappi” is a well-known trail located in the border region between Southwest Finland and Satakunta in the middle of the only continuous ridge in Southwestern Finland in the Säkylänharju to Virttaankangas area. The ridge area trails are maintained by the towns of Loimaa and Huittinen and the municipalities of Oripää and Säkylä.

These webpages were produced with funding from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. The Leader regions were funded by Jokivarsarikumppanit, Joutsentenreitti and Pyhäjärviseutu.

A mobile version of the route map is being prepared. The link will be placed here.

Download the trail map [pdf]

Current information

New webpages

Harjureitti.fi has new webpages. Huittinen, Loimaa, Oripää and Säkylä municipalities are responsible for the trails and information. Welcome. We would appreciate feedback on our new pages.

Harjureitti’s new development project

Harjureitti’s new development project began in 2017 as a Leader project managed by four municipalities (Huittinen, Loimaa, Oripää, Säkylä). The aim of the project was to classify the current state of Harjureitti and make suggestions for its development. The second part of the project was the renewal of the harjureitti.fi web site.

Esa's blog

Esan palsta

Harjureitin puuhamiehen ja Toimintaloman mökki-isännän Esa Lähteenmäen mietteitä tällä palstalla  

Take contact

Loimaa’s Sport Service Director: Anu Pitkänen
liikunta@loimaa.fi, P. 0500 826359

Säkylä’s Leisure-time Secretary: Minttu Kauniskallio
minttu.kauniskallio@sakyla.fi, P. 044 5171 011

Huittinen’s Wellbeing Coordinator Anna Harmava
anna.harmava@huittinen.fi, P. 044 560 4274

Oripää’s Leisure-time Director: Tiina Kuikka
tiina.kuikka@oripaa.fi, P. 040 1977 293